By Maria Lourdes Sereno

We all know that our country badly needs heroes. We had worked long and arduously to be proud of who we are as a people–first class brains and talent; first world creativity and personality. Yet, we have reached the point at which some of our youth are unashamedly announcing that they no longer want to be Filipino, and, given the chance, would escape this country and turn their backs to that identity. How have we come to this depth of hopelessness? Have we dismally failed the expectations of our young people?
Young Filipinos, the evil that is being brazenly displayed by politicians and those in power does not represent the Filipino race. If their behavior appears akin to that of a dog with its tail between its legs–uncertain whether to bark and engage an enemy or scamper away in fear–that was not the example of our ancestors.
The Filipino race is a brave one. When the early Katipuneros were planning the revolution against Spain, their young leaders, Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto, Antonio Luna, did not let fear conquer them. They knew they had few arms and no regular armed force, but they also knew what were truly essential for victory: great love for God, country and fellowmen; intelligence and perseverance; and courage even in the face of death. For the Filipino hero believes in the truth of Christ’s words: it is in the laying down of one’s self for fellowmen, that one finds his life.
If such self-sacrifice seems absent in our leaders today, do not let that discourage you. Instead, see in these times the opportunity to revisit how Filipino heroes are made. Your idealism at a young age is a good start in building great dreams of our country’s future. If you wish to devote your strength and mind to uplift our country and fellowmen, do not hesitate–learn how to rebuild our democratic institutions. And if you have resolved that you will personally fulfill your aspirations for our country when your time comes, remain steadfast; engage in discourses on social issues, join with those of the same nationalistic bent, plant seeds of goodness in society, and never let go of your dreams.
Selfishness, shameless lying, and oppression are not the legacy of our ancestors. Remember the names of traitors to the good legacy of our past. Do not follow nor mingle with the self-centered. Instead, stop their power from growing further. If we had been fooled once, let us not be fooled again. Above all, like our noble ancestors, let us offer our hearts and our lives to God and Inang Bayan.