God has never failed to fulfill any of His promises
By Maria Lourdes Sereno

There are many things God is doing in our country. This is a time for quiet reflection, repentance and return to His ways. God has never failed to fulfill any of His promises.
If we would but quiet down, open our hearts and see that He has been faithfully telling us how Filipinos must live with each other, then we can see how gentle He has been to us all these decades.
Now we have felt that our hearts have been increasingly made tender and kind these past few months, have we not? Now we have been feeling more compassion for those who have not had the freedom from basics that we have had. Now we are starting to listen more. This is the work of God. While we mourn for what could have been, we feel that there is still burning within us the embers of hope. That is a very precious thing on which to build our country, but this time, on better foundations.
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