By Maria Lourdes Sereno

Maria Lourdes Sereno

“I assure you, today you will be with me in paradise.”

Paradise. The clear and certain promise of the God-Man to a sinner who rebuked another: “Don’t you fear God even when you have been sentenced to die?” Then he asks Jesus to remember him when Jesus comes into His Kingdom, and Jesus gave him the assurance of paradise.

We sometimes doubt that repentance and faith in God’s forgiveness can be that easy, that the last few words of a dying man are enough for acceptance by God. But the entirety of the Bible assures us it is, for the simple, profound, yet common-sense reason that, since Jesus had done everything, do we need to do anything more?

We dare not disbelieve that the God who said all our human efforts to gain salvation is not enough, only His Son’s substitution for what we cannot supply works. So if repentance is accepting that God did everything, and my return to God from my ways is because He is making an offer out of perfect love, isn’t REPENTANCE then, one of the most beautiful words in our language, since it ushers in paradise?

Repentance is not just for individuals, but also for nations. May we have more Jonahs in our midst who will call on Filipinas and all other nations who have become Ninevehs to repent. God in His mercy, will rescue us yet, as He had rescued many, many peoples throughout history.

Ref: Luke 23:32-43, Jonah 3:7-10