By Maria Lourdes Sereno

It is not easy to draft a fitting message for Senator Leila de Lima, especially on her birthday. What does one say to a woman with manifold gifts and such fortitude, and yet has been so unfairly treated?
I had announced in my opinion, like four other Supreme Court justices, the absolute lack of evidence against her. That she has been incarcerated for three and a half years on the testimony of convicted criminals, contradicted by honorable witnesses who testified on her innocence, is an indictment against the justice system itself.
I have found it increasingly difficult to talk about her situation. In my eyes, hers is the most poignant case of twisted justice in recent times. It demonstrates the depth of some Filipinos’ capacity to be cruel to one of our own. It is agonizing, because the longer she is unjustly detained, the deeper the wounding of the Filipino soul, and the more putrid the stench of injustice in the land. And this causes me to face the question of our identity: how can we Filipinos call ourselves Christians when we gloat over the unjust killing of fellow Filipinos? And how can we gleefully applaud the arbitrary denial of a citizen’s right to liberty–especially when that citizen is a public servant whose supposed “fault” was to protect her fellow citizens’ right to life? If, as former Chair of the Commission on Human Rights, her search for accountability for the horrendous Davao murders was not the rightful pursuit of justice, then, heaven help us, what justice is left for the Filipino? If the murders turn out to have not taken place, we will all feel relieved; but by law and by everything that is right, she had the duty to investigate.

Fellow Filipinos, fellow Christians, perhaps it is time for us to shelve political partisanship and answer a few questions for our consciences’ sake: Was it wrong for a government body that she headed to investigate thousands of killings that had allegedly taken place in one of the Philippines’ key cities? Was it wrong for De Lima as senator to ask for the investigation of the nightly killings that began in May 2016? Is it right for us to accept without scrutiny the stories submitted in evidence against her by convicted drug lords who contradicted each other? Is it right for Sen. de Lima to have been incarcerated without a single gram of narcotics or drug paraphernalia linked to her by any witness? Is it right that we howled with the Congressmen who jeered and leered at details of a private concern; and in so doing, did we not hit moral rock bottom?
I call on young people never to forget what evil politicians are capable of. They can weaponize the law to destroy personal lives, legitimize violations of the Constitution, delete the jobs of 11,000 media network personnel, and destabilize the democratic institutions that should protect us. Never forget Sen. de Lima, who remains steadfast in the face of persecution and continues to fight so that your generation may enjoy a freer, more just, and more democratic future.
For our country’s sake, commit to restore our people’s sense of what is right and just, study how to rebuild our democratic institutions, and above all, let us ask God to be with us.
Free Leila!
Tagalog Version
By Maria Lourdes Sereno