Grandparents' Day
By Maria Lourdes Sereno
Septembber 12, 2021

February 2021. Lola Meilou making toy houses for her apos. Earlier made two paper bungalows (pink and purple ones for the two girls). Graduated to a two-story dollhouse. Made from paper folders, colored cartolinas and boxes, and Lolo’s cutout toilet from a plastic medicine bottle. Chairs from a champagne bottle screwtop cover. Pillars from ice cream cone boxes. Bunk bed from a gadget box. Notice the half-finished hagdanan. Hahaha!
The children exploded with delight at the endless possibilities! Wow, now we have two overstuffed paper mansions in our living room! What joys such simple magic tricks can bring to everyone – Lola, Lolo and apos!
Happy Grandparents’ Day!