I'm on a scrumptious cake given by a beloved young person who calls me MommyCJ, and boy, did I enjoy my birthday!
By Maria Lourdes Sereno
July 2, 2021

What can I say about today’s events?
To be greeted with love as I woke up by the most honorable, most admirable man in the world, my beloved husband. To be greeted after breakfast by a video presentation of young leaders who practiced long hours to dance for me, who sang their impressions of me, named the food they thought best represent me, and picked memorable moments to relive with me–enthusiastic young people who have committed their lives to God and country and who trust me to journey with them?
To receive so many good wishes and prayers from countless people, friends, and strangers whom I now call friends?
To share my lunch and dinner with my family whom I love with my whole being, and to know that God infinitely loves them more and has been so zealously protecting them?
To partake of food sent by friends with so much love and kindness? To enjoy the beauty and fragrance of the gifts of flowers for many days?
To have meaningful conversations with international partners who dream of a better world?
To know that as we prepare to sleep, the world is in God’s sovereign hands.
Isn’t this such a God-sent birthday celebration? Aren’t all things working together for good?

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