have we really accepted that we are this helpless?

By Maria Lourdes Sereno
November 20, 2022

Lord, have we really accepted that we are this helpless? Have we forgotten that collectively, the Constitution has invested us as the Sovereign Filipino People?

It has been a busy week as more activities and people interactions are returning to the physical setting. The opportunities for dialogue are expanding, yet at the highest policy level discussions, there is the fear of confronting what seems obvious to many – the danger to life and limb to those who will stand up to the abuse of power, including the unjustifiable allocation of confidential funds.

Lord, have we really accepted that we are this helpless? Have we forgotten that collectively, the Constitution has invested us as the Sovereign Filipino People? Have our highest institutions who are themselves mandated to protect our people from the abuses of power surrendered to fear? Let courage arise, oh God, in the hearts of our people. Let our legislators see that they are destroying the country by approving the budget for unbridled, unaccountable confidential funds. Let them see, oh God, that what is technically legal can be grossly immoral. Are they still refusing to see the writings on the wall? – Our people are being deprived of urgent help which those confidential funds should instead be addressing! Our legislators are themselves destroying the system of checks-and-balances in government!

Do our churches fail to regard taxpayers money as trust money given by You for the good of the entire Filipino nation and not for the corrupt powerful politicians and public officials? May we fall on our knees and repent before You, turning away from our wicked ways so our land can be healed. We are sorry, oh Lord, for we have failed to take seriously our stewardship role for this country. Give us wisdom to stand anew and collectively rebuild this nation. Have mercy, oh God, on our people, who continue to suffer from empty tables and impoverished lives. We have brought this upon ourselves, forgive us. We look up to You again, oh God, to have mercy and save us anew. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.